Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Boost YCN

So what's Boost?

Boost is a range of great tasting performance drinks that have been created to pick you up, and keep you going. They come in loads of different flavours, and there’s a different Boost for different needs – Energy, Active, Sport, not forgetting the Smoothie for one of your five a day.
Best of all, Boost is cheaper than the other leading performance drinks out there. So as well as the great taste and kick to your system, you also get loads of spare change to spend on yourself. And that, in a nutshell, is what makes Boost a no brainer.

The Creative Challenge

Our typical audience ranges from students, to price conscious individuals who like to shop on the high street rather than the boutiques.
Your challenge is to make Boost the energy drink of choice for a new consumer sector. You could choose females, professionals, the silver foxes, or any other section of the UK community that you think represents a good business opportunity for Boost. In other words, it’s completely up to you.
Put simply, we want your help to push Boost into new and exciting areas. In total there are four parts to the brief, and we’d love it if you gave them all a bash. Of course, you may only choose to do a couple of elements, but we really want to see what you’re made of. And hey, if you need some extra energy to tackle all four, grab a Boost or two.
1. The first part of the brief is to define a new consumer sector for Boost, then choose one (or more – or all) of the existing Boost products to sell into your new target market. If you don’t believe any of our current products match your sector, feel free to create a completely new Boost product that does e.g. if it’s for oldies, what ingredients would you add to give them the daily Boost they specifically need?
2. Okay, so you’ve sorted your target audience, now you need to create the product packaging – remember, it’s got to grab them within a couple of seconds and communicate exactly what Boost represents to them, so make sure it’s really engaging. It’s got to stand out against the competition on those shelves!
3. Packaging sorted. Thinking caps on, because we’re now at the promotion stage. How will you promote your new look Boost in the shops, or bars, or wherever you think you’d like to sell it to your target audience? Remember, we don’t just want the consumers to try it; we
want them to keep buying it – so think short-term impact, and long-term loyalty. It’s vital that all communication gets across our key message – that drinking Boost is a ‘no brainer’, thanks to the value, taste and energy performance it offers.
4. The final part of the brief is all about the big ideas for today and the future. Think formats, social media, web, TV promotional spots and ads, guerrilla tactics. Have some fun, within a realistic budget of course (that means making sure whatever it costs is less than what it will make for the business), and show us how you’ll push the Boost ‘no brainer’ message to your new consumer sector.

Boost's Brand Guidelines

Tone of voice
We’re not a brand that takes ourselves seriously, and that’s reflected in our tone of voice. So keep it friendly, approachable, fun and a little bit cheeky.
Visual style
Our visual style guidelines can be found in the brief’s project pack online. Stick close to the current look and you can’t go far wrong.


It’s really important that we don’t target under 16s with our energy drinks, they can drink our sport, active and smoothie drinks, but as a business who takes corporate social responsibility seriously, we proactively avoid targeting any children with our products and marketing.
Other than that it’s key that we communicate that Boost tastes great, helps you perform at your peak, but costs a fraction of the price of other leading functional drinks – that’s what makes it a no brainer. And there really isn’t any need to over-complicate the message.
We’ve found that it’s key to get consumers to taste Boost, because the taste test is our eureka moment. It’s when they realise they’ve just discovered the smart choice.

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