
Race For Life
Now Boost has it’s new identity we need to communicate it’s values with promotions. Boost must show it’s current and potential new customers that it is becoming more involved in sport to help people perform at their peak. Boost also has to show women that they want them to start buying the product. Finally we want to keep Boosts current market, to they should also promote at events which attract students. 

Provide runners of the all female event, race for life with free samples of boost to give them the kick they need to run the race and raise the money for charity. There will be a limited edition, promotional bottle with pink labeling. Whenever one of these bottles are bought Boost would donate a small percentage to the breast cancer charity, this will target a lot of women and a lot of people who support charity, especially breast cancer supporters would start to purchase the product to support the charity, (and hopefully love the product enough to carry on buying it in the future)

Fresher's Week
Get involved in university fresher’s week events. Create a fresher’s edition label “survive the week”
Brand Fresher survival packs/goody bags with the boost logo
Provide small free sample bottles to go into the goodie bags. This will give them the energy boost they need to survive a full week of parties.
Provide the welcome team with branded t-shirts. the students then may carry on buying Boost for the energy needed to complete assignments in time. They may choose Boost over competitors as the product reminds them of their fresher’s week.